
Search results

  1. Eating Disorders Awareness: Bulimia Nervosa

    diuretics; fasting; or excessive exercise to prevent weight gain. People with bulimia may feel out of control ... difficult. However, many people struggling with bulimia nervosa recognize their behaviors are unusual and ... home. May avoid eating around other people. Resources American Psychological Association. (2014). ...

  2. Farming with a Visual Impairment

    vision impairment and blindness in different ways. Most people are born with excellent eyesight, but many ... lose vision due to an injury, aging or disease over time. For some people vision loss is sudden, and ... function or sometimes people with the same eye condition may have different degrees of remaining vision. ...

  3. Providing Livestock Comfort at the County Fair

    both livestock and people is compromised. Heat stress can predispose livestock to illness and even ... possible. When the temperature and humidity cannot be lowered, more air movement over people and animals ... easily be converted to tunnel ventilation as they are designed for both animals and people to be ...

  4. Northern House Mosquito

    abundance and virus prevalence every summer when people, birds, and horses face the greatest risk of ... represents cases where the disease was serious enough for the person to go into the hospital. People over the ... October. Most people who are infected with WNV experience mild, cold-like symptoms, including a fever and ...

  5. Processed Meats, Red Meats and Colorectal Cancer Risk

    HYG-5587 Family and Consumer Sciences 02/13/2017 Shawna Hite, Healthy People Program Coordinator, ... (behind breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer). In 2014, there were over 1 million people living ... the current evidence comes from studies observing groups of people and comparing reported meat ...

  6. Injury Prevention: Types of Cold Stress

    and people with a pre-existing condition are at a higher risk. Examples of high-risk conditions are ... takes even the healthiest person longer to complete simple tasks in the winter. However, people with ...

  7. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Maple Syrup

    quality of the product. People who purchase maple syrup in larger containers often have a favorite ... people who buy in large quantities often repackage and freeze the syrup and take it out of the freezer ... recipes. Some people also like this grade for pancakes, waffles, etc. Use maple syrup for a glaze for ham, ...

  8. Sun Exposure (Protect Your Skin)

    blue, green or gray eyes. A common misconception is that people with darker complexions are not at risk ... for skin cancer, because they do not easily sunburn. While it is true that people with darker ...

  9. Avoiding Skin Irritations and Injuries Caused by Plants

    irritations and injuries. Some people are more sensitive to certain plants than others. It is important to ... dahlias. • Plants of this type can trigger allergic reactions in some people. • The pollen from these ...

  10. Secondary Injury Prevention: Safety for Senior Farmers

    considerations include: Reaction Time People's reaction times tend to become slower with age. Therefore, ... Gradual loss of hearing can be expected as people age. Some older farmers may have more profound hearing ...
