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  1. July OSU Agronomy Field Days

    Please RSVP to Bruce Ackley,, and include the number of people in your group.  Payment ...

  2. Ohio State Experts Offer Tips on Best Management Practices to Keep Phosphorus on the Field, Improve Water Quality

    phosphorous loss at the edge of field, LaBarge said.   “There are some immediate practices that people can ...

  3. Rust, Freeze Injury, Head Scab: Should I Still Put on a Fungicide?

    hit by freezing temperatures, all within the last 7 day. Understandably, most people were planning to ...

  4. Ohio State Fans: 7 Things to Know About Growing an Ohio Buckeye Tree

    for both people and livestock. 7. Oo, that smell Its leaves also smell bad when crushed. That’s why ...

  5. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: Fighting for Commons

    a landmark event in the international water rights movement. For three years, the people of this small ...

  6. McSpadden Gardener lab page 1

    all personnel regardless of educational background.  My lab provides an environment where people can ...

  7. Miller lab intro

    programs, courses, the PCR lab, people in the lab and more. Our laboratories are located on the Wooster ...

  8. 9 Tips for Keeping a Christmas Tree Fresh, 4 Trees You Should Know

    a statewide educational effort aimed at helping people take care of trees, forests and wildlife. The college’s ...

  9. $3+ Million NIH Grant Funds Earth Scientist's Work on Medical Implants

    bacterial infections, and support his quest to find ways to prevent this.   The first question people ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-08

    University Extension Corn Specialist, recommends  this new publication as fine reference for people in ... agronomy graduate student; and Stephanie Marlay, ISU agronomy specialist. In the development  of the new ... growth and development in a way that is concise and easily applicable for people in production ...
