
Search results

  1. Engaging OSU Students in Conservation Practices and Planning

    (TNC) to educate people about stream restoration. TNC’s Anthony Sasson, freshwater biologist, joins ... soil health, in Logan County.  Lloyd also shared the deep connections Amish people have to caring for ... Natural Resources and Instructor David Hanselmann thank all of the many resource people who met with ...

  2. 1980's

    helping people better themselves by becoming involved in programs that have a positive impact on their ... encouraged young people to explore higher education and assume responsible positions in the community. ... and energy to helping people learn to interact together, develop relationships, and support each ...

  3. Oilseed crops bring back history, look toward future at Mellinger Farm

    content, can be consumed by people and livestock, and can also be pressed to produce linseed oil. Oilseed ...

  4. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    discharge and harmful algal blooms in western Lake Erie Modeling tools that can help people understand and ...

  5. Why 4-H SS

    made up of five or more young people ages 9 to 18 and two to four trained adults. Meets at least six ... goal-setting, decision-making, and courtesy as the young people learn basic skills and build toward more ...

  6. 4-H SS FAQ

    A 4-H Shooting Sports club is made up of five or more young people and two or more trained adults who ... or more adults from the community who are interested in working with young people on shooting skills. ...

  7. Chainsaw Safety, Dozens More Topics in FSR’s Green Gwynne

    what most (Review-goers) enjoy about the Gwynne is the opportunity to interact with resource people on ...

  8. Ohio State Students Launch ‘Environmental ScienceBites’ iBook

    people are using cutting-edge science and engineering to provide sustainable solutions.   Called ...

  9. Ohio Shale’s Biggest Environmental Impact May Be on Forests: Talk at Farm Science Review

    130,000 people are expected to attend the event.   Extension farm science review Gwynne Conservation Area ...

  10. Ohio State Launches New Housing Learning Community Focused on Sustainability

    reasons as well as to meet people with similar interests to my own,” notes Roland Bennett, a freshman ...
