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Thoughts from Jackie
Piatt Castle, and Indian Lake). Thank you to Stephanie Knight and Kathy Tutt for kicking the tour off ...
Shared Harvest Food Distribution
distribution site during the appropriate hours. We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles ...
Organizational Capacity Building Programs
change process that intentionally focuses on the best in people, their organizations, and the relevant ...
OSU Extension Offers Free Mental Health First Aid Training
groundbreaking skills-based course gives people who work with youth the tools to identify, understand and respond ... a full-blown movement in the United States — more than 2.5 million people are certified Mental Health First ...
‘Market’ Research: How a field trip helped transform the Pike Outreach Food Pantry
function as shopping assistants who promote nutrition as they are helping people. “These trainings that Dan ... their own food. Not only does a choice system cut down on food waste, as with non-choice systems people ... around a third of people who use food pantries have someone in their household with diabetes, and around ...
Shared Harvest
should drive to the distribution site during the appropriate hours. We ask, people receiving food need ...
Mindful Living
the here and now, many people who practice mindfulness find that they are less likely to get caught up ...
Gary Graham Inducted into Maple Syrup Hall of Fame
people per year are inducted into the Hall of Fame. Gary works in the Holmes County office of OSU ...
BRE Scope of Services and Cost
to establish a plan of work to include project timeline, identify key inputs (including people who ...
Crucial Conversations Training set for August and September
heart of healthy and high-performance organizations are people willing and able to hold Crucial ...