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Easter Chicks and Ducklings: Cute Presents Could Carry Dangerous Salmonella
(CDC) reported that 81 people in 22 states fell ill last spring after contracting Salmonella from ... cramps 12 to 72 hours after infection. Most people infected with Salmonella recover without treatment. ... estimated that approximately 600 people die each year from acute salmonellosis in the United States. ...
Extension Publication Teaches Importance of Animal Health and Safety
healthy. A new Ohio State University Extension online booklet teaches young people the importance of ... diseases in situations where animals come into direct or indirect contact with other animals, people or ... people and equipment, as well as the construction of buildings, and how to keep animals separated by ...
Chow Line: Control blood sugar, 10,000 steps at a time (for 2/6/11)
people manage blood sugar. Is it because walking that much helps you lose weight, or is it the exercise ... important component in blood sugar control, especially for people who have type 2 diabetes-- the kind of ... especially people with blood sugar problems, to get regular exercise. But if you do have diabetes, be sure to ...
Chow Line: Why it’s important to eat breakfast (10/26/12)
sense. Nutritionists regularly encourage people to become more attuned to their inner hunger and appetite ... on the differences in people’s brain activity when they skip breakfast and how that affects their ... that studies of young people show that those who don’t eat breakfast consume 40 percent more sweets, 55 ...
OARDC Heirloom Rose Garden, One of Largest in U.S., Holds June 11 Open House
want to educate people about what a treasure we have here,” said the garden’s caretaker, Kelly King, an ... OARDC plant materials specialist and the event’s organizer. “We want people to come out, pack a picnic ...
Cuyahoga County: Home on the Farm
"So far we've trained about 130 people and of them, 47 have started new urban small-scale farms ... over 5,500 people participating, Barni said. "The vast majority are on previously vacant ... side benefit: "They are bringing people together. Neighbors are talking and working with neighbors ...
OSU Extension Launches New Forest Products Website
directly employs 47,000 people, with a total employment impact of 114,500 people. Ohio communities also ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: To Be in Clover (or Not to Bee) (for the Week of July 15, 2007)
in the lawn of my grandfather, Grampa Trunk. He didn't mind. Some people like clover. They like ... grow in a garden. But: Nowadays lots of people want only grass to grow in their lawn, nothing else. ... They spread weed killers that kill the clover. And some people don't want bees around. ...
Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: Extension's Worksite Wellness Programs a Smart Choice
"We can invite people to our educational programs, but it often works better if we go to them," ... don't even have to ask people to bring something healthy. It just naturally happens." The ... online health and fitness challenges-- 810 people participated in three such challenges offered in 2011 ...
'Make Tasks Easier': Arthritis Screenings, Universal Design Exhibit at Farm Science Review
arthritis is not only a serious health concern for farmers, but that often people think they can’t do ... abilities," Holmes said. "Initially, some people think Universal Design is only for the elderly or people ... Review, most people 'get it.' "Visitors seem most surprised by the fact that Universal ...