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Pivot Bio
ProveN ProveN® 40 (Pivot Bio) is a biologically-based product containing N-fixing bacteria claiming users reduce their supplemental fertilizer nitrogen. This product was compared in combination with Xyway and Vitalize Silver and separately in an on-farm e ...
Corn Fungicide Trials
Fungicide applications, along with hybrid selection, crop rotation, and in-season scouting, is part of an integrated management plan for corn diseases. Plots feature either resistant or susceptible hybrids with or without tillage with either an over-the-t ...
Tailgate Talks
Interact with OSU Extension Specialists and gain practical information you can apply to your operation. Tuesday 10:30 am Asmita Murumkar Water Quality and Soil Health Benefits 3:00 pm Alyssa Essman Weed Management Wednesday 3:00 pm Laura Lindsey, Osler ...
Farm Science Review
Join the Agronomic Crops Team at Farm Science Review, September 17-19, 2024 We will be displaying a snapshot of research projects conducted throughout Ohio at the plot area between Gates B and C that enter the FSR grounds from the East Parking Lot. Weed c ...
Cover Crop 'Til You Drop Field Day
Join The Ohio State University Extension, Putnam County Soil and Water Conservation District, The Nature Conservancy, Cargill, Michigan State University, and USDA-NRCS for a field day focused on cover crops. More details, including a speaker list and agen ...
Drainage and Water Management for Now and the Future
Join OSU Extension Clinton County on June 18 for "Drainage and Water Management for Now and the Future" from 8:00- 11:00 a.m. sponsored by BRANDT Professional Agriculture. Certified Crop Adviser credits will be available. Featured speakers incl ...
Communicating to be Understood online
a relationship. In this workshop we will explore how people communicate differently and how you can use your ... strengths to build relationships with your team and increase people's feeling of being heard. Through ...
Mission Possible: Positive Leadership online
test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...
Understanding and Overcoming Cover Crop Yield Penalties in the Maumee River Watershed: Unlocking the Potential
Agricultural Technical Institute Stephanie Karhoff ( Dept. of Extension Why Cover Crops? ...
Small Grains Field Day
Join OSU Extension for this year’s small grains field day on June 20 at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station in Wood County. Topics include wheat fertility management, precision planting of wheat, wheat yield enhancement network, and current resear ...