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New Dietary Guidelines for 2020-2025
children and teens are overweight or obese. Additionally in the United States, 75 percent of people have ... information allows people to make an informed decision about what foods and beverages they decide to consume. ...
Dr. Hanping Wang’s aquaculture book named one of the all-time best by
by thought leaders, and aids people in finding the best books on any topic. The site serves millions ...
Summer Days Ahead: Don’t Ignore Heat Stress!
heat stress and heat stroke People may begin feeling hot, tired, and sweaty. Excessive heat and ...
ACEL undergraduates complete in research forums
completed will help them in their future careers to improve the communities, programs and people they will ...
4-H Camps Return This Summer
for young people as they offer safe environments for youth to become more independent, confident, and ...
Spring Pesticide Safety Reminders
chemical storage is secure enough to keep children and unauthorized people out. Have you stored your PPE ...
Pass It On: Business Transition Training
Over 70,000 businesses in Ohio are owned by people over 55. As these owners prepare for ...
A Cup of Coffee with Dr. Dan
premise – helping people make mindful choices and inspiring internal motivation. Through programs like ... educate people on how to manage their chronic illnesses and for disseminating knowledge to help build ... can help people apply information to their lives, and realize why they need to make a change. I think ...
Thanks for a Great Junior Fair!
There are so many people to thank for doing so many things that go into making our Wayne County ... Superintendent, here are a few of the many key people that deserve special recognition and appreciation. First let ...
COVID Spending
people were not driving as much during the second quarter, spending on gasoline decreased by 25 percent. ... and vehicles” that includes all kinds of items. People must have spent some of their usual gas money ... equipment, guns, boats, and motorcycles. People also increased spending on tools and equipment for home ...