
Search results

  1. Peace Corps Environment Programs: CFAES Faculty share their Volunteer Experiences

    how people work together to solve environmental problems. He is particularly interested in ...

  2. Dr. Wang’s aquaculture book named one of the all-time best by

    by thought leaders, and aids people in finding the best books on any topic. The site serves millions ...

  3. Meet Ashlee Balcerzak: Paving the Road to a Career in Higher Education

    field,” she recalls. “After traveling to Guatemala for a mission trip and seeing how many people lacked ... to become a medical doctor to help people, I was going to become a different kind of doctor who could ... also help people, I wanted to use my love for learning and education to help others and make ...

  4. Mahoning County 4-H Endowment

    Banquet Center 7440 South Ave, Boardman, OH 44512 In 4-H, we believe in the power of young people.  We see ... America's largest non-profit youth organization empowering nearly six million young people across the U.S. ...

  5. Meet Lindsay West: A Food Engineer with a Global Perspective

    throughout her life. These experiences influenced the way she views the world and people. Her passion for ... opportunity to create real world solutions that improve the lives of many people.  Lindsay says, “This ... has to offer.  “I’ve learned that people love sharing their experiences if you are willing to strike ...

  6. Workshop held on Growing Organic Crops in Ukraine

    soil health and water quality.  Ukraine has the land, water, technology, and motivated people to ...

  7. Ohio State among Peace Corps’ 2020 top volunteer-producing schools

    to helping people in interested countries meet their need for trained men and women. The university ... others, both at home and abroad, and that the people we serve always have a lot to teach us as well; this ...

  8. Dawn of a New Career

    helping people. She can fly your aircraft, rescue you from a burning building, or save you from drowning. ...

  9. 2020 a busy year for SWBR

    “Climate-Smart Organic Grains for Healthy Soils, Healthy Food, and Healthy People,” and another titled ... “Climate-Smart Organic Vegetables for Healthy Soils, Healthy Food, and Healthy People.” Islam delivered two ... the land, water, technology, and motivated people to achieve these objectives, it just needs to remove ...

  10. Sew Fun Saturday

    44406 Cost: $5 per person Details: Limited to 20 people Contact information: 330-533-5538 ...
