
Search results

  1. The Power of 'You Can'

    some people, the phrase ‘you can’t’ is enough of a motivator to do something simply to prove someone ... wrong. The Internet is rife with stories of people told a version of ‘you can’t do that’. Walt Disney ... famous. What about the rest of us? Most of us don’t like to be told ‘you can’t’. For most people, hearing ...

  2. CD Wire- October 19, 2020

    training. Have a great week and remember:   "Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to produce ... learned throughout this past year; seek out your own good things, while you love, love, love on the people ... Perspective for Plastics Laws and Regulations Stephanie Otts, Director, National Sea Grant Law Center Plastic ...

  3. CD Wire- March 1, 2021

    for farms, residences, and businesses. The cost is free. Register here. Who should attend: People who ... a Meat Processing Business Tool Kit for people who are exploring the meat processing business. Designed ... as a decision-making aid for people exploring investing in or expanding a meat processing facility, ...

  4. CD Wire- February 1, 2021

    Jill's Work: My favorite programs are ones where I get to bring people to Lake Erie through beach ... cleanups or paddling programs. I enjoy these experiential learning programs because it really helps people ... 2 to 3-minute videos focusing on helping people live more sustainably within their homes and ...

  5. CD Wire- June 14, 2021

    the world, and other days not so much. Luckily, people tend to adapt well to stressful situations and ... Indicators of Account Compromise- BuckeyePass (supported by Duo): There have been some cases where people ...

  6. Sharing Impact through Storytelling and Data: Not Mutually Exclusive

    it is about getting information to people for decision-making. It helps us to make sure that we are ...

  7. Raise Your Hand for 4-H

    build critical life skills young people need to thrive. You can help by raising your hand to support ... young people do, learn and grow. Join us today and  Raise Your Hand, because every child deserves ...

  8. Medina County CD Grows Presence during COVID-19

    James Renacci, to name a few. It is a fun way to really connect with people and teach them about how the ...

  9. CFAES' Office of Equity and Inclusion Fall Professional Development Workshops

    Fall semester professional development workshops. Diversity is the differences among people that make ... collaborative environment for people from all walks of life by teaching participants how to cultivate an ...

  10. Module 3: Dairy and Beef Cattle

    only Ohio’s economy but the World’s as well.  However, even with it’s importance not many people ...
