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  1. Summer Can Be Hard On A Diabetic; Here Are Tips To Keep You Cool

    University Extension Educator for Family and Consumer Sciences in Coshocton County. People who have diabetes ... effective not allowing the body to cool itself as well. In general, people with diabetes get dehydrated more ... can also lead to dehydration.  People who need insulin may need to adjust their insulin dose, so close ...

  2. Stanley D. Gehrt

    a history of attacks on people, including the tragic attack on Taylor Mitchell.  Our hypothesis is the ... attacks, and our goal is to identify management strategies to minimize the danger to people and coyotes. ... implications of this success for people, pets, and other wildlife.   Population dynamics and movement patterns ...

  3. OSU Extension Wayne County Fair Programming Schedule

    University Extension Master Gardener Will talk about what people should know before they set up a greenhouse. ...

  4. Studies Map the Positive Impacts of Nature On Health and Wellness

    People tend to think that being in nature is a luxury, but it’s actually a necessity, said Laura Stanton, ...           Studies also show that people who spend time outside report decreased feelings of fatigue and ... improved sleep after having that dose of fresh air. The educators noted that people are spending less time ...

  5. About Medina County

    better. Information and programs we offer help people at all stages of life, as well as business owners ...

  6. Graduate Exit Seminar- Kelsey Ryan-Simkins

    organizations frequently embrace food justice goals such as racial equity and improved food access for people ...

  7. SENR Announcements, September 28

    The Bird-Friendly Communities initiative is aimed at helping people to make bird-friendly lifestyle ...

  8. Local Peoples and International Conservation

    conflicts between indigenous/local peoples, conservationists, and policy makers regarding natural resource ...

  9. Suzanne Gray's School of Fish

    classroom, and to be honest I assumed that something was wrong at first to have all these people streaming ... the more people I could share my passion about fish and water quality with, the more stewards of our ... you first started seeing the impacts of people on fish and water. Today, at this point in your career, ...

  10. Jeffrey Jacquet

    Marcellus Shale: impacts to people, policy, and culture from 2008 to 2018 in the Greater Mid-Atlantic region ... to people, policy, and culture from 2008 to 2018 in the Greater Mid-Atlantic region of the United ...
