
Search results

  1. Cargill Dressings and Sauces Info Session

    Dinner starts at 4:30pm and the session begins at 5:00pm. Contact Stephanie Diamond via email ...

  2. Megan L. Gregg

    a lot of great people during her summer there, not only on the Smucker Natural Foods team where she ... both an academic and personal level, making her one of the most influential people Megan encountered at ...

  3. DEI Student Spotlight: Siddhartha Bora

    helped you thrive toward your goals?  Since my childhood, I care about things that grow, and people that ... events to bring people from CFAES departments together, and, create a healthy environment to discuss DEI ... wish more people would get involved?   I would suggest anyone who is interested in DEI work is to have ...

  4. Coaching, app use could slash some types of food waste at home

    to greater changes in people’s behavior when it comes to reducing food waste. “The urgency of climate ...

  5. Melina Mallory

    people in recycling habits they typically do not care about. It was difficult losing a full day of ...

  6. Cameron S. White

    Alliance (ASCA) has been equal parts reward and enjoyment. She met some outstanding people through this ...

  7. Laura I. Tavera Montañez

    my entire undergraduate career. The people that I’ve met, the connections that I’ve made, and the ...

  8. Clare M. Sollars

    and has learned from every experience, finding it rewarding to work with other people who are just as ...

  9. Todd R. Peterson

    national level, while a number of the people he met in the group have become some of his closest friends. ...

  10. Melanie M. Fuhrmann

    where she worked with Habitat for Humanity and the Louisiana SPCA. Learning about how people are still ...
