
Search results

  1. May 2017 Highlights

    following people will be joining our department in June (Dr. Snyder) and in August (Dr. Klein and Dr. ... Katie Williamson both received the “People’s Choice” award for their poster presentations. In addition, ...

  2. Sew Fun Saturday

    44406 Cost: $5 per person Details: Limited to 20 people Contact information: 330-533-5538 ...

  3. Dalapon

    dalapon in drinking water is runoff from herbicide used on rights of way. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who ...

  4. Health and Wellness

    surroundings. OSU Extension has nationally recognized programs that help people make healthy choices and ... with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to produce healthy people, relationships, and finances at ...

  5. Environmental Quality

    Environmental Quality OSU Extension programs help people make informed choices and lead local ...

  6. $100,000 gift to CFAES to support food safety

    director. “Foodborne disease sickens 600 million people, causing at least 420,000 deaths, globally each ...

  7. Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Unconscious Bias Workshop

    perceptions of other people in ways that can unconsciously widen the diversity gap and negatively influence ... the people with whom we interact. The workshop is being offered January 11, 2019 from 9:30 a.m.-12 ...

  8. DEI Faculty and Staff Spotlight: Dr. Melvin Pascall

    acceptance of all peoples. Speak out against instances of unfairness. Finally, treat others in a way that ...

  9. 4-H Endowment Dinner and Auction

    people.  We see that every child has valuable strengths and real influence to improve the world around ... people across the U.S. with the skills to lead for a lifetime. The Endowment fund helps us ensure that ...

  10. Chow Line: Leafy Greens Suspected in Latest E. coli Food Poisoning Cases

    people sick, but rather that they are the suspected source of pathogenic  E. coli  that has sickened some ... 58 people in Canada. Several people in the United States have also become ill from a strain of  E. ... interviewing sick people to determine what they ate in the weeks before their illnesses started, the agency ...
