
Search results

  1. Dr. Kinder award recipient of the 2022 L.E. Casida Award for Graduate Student Mentorship

    a comment from another of his former graduate students- “… have impacted yet another generation; people ... 20 years.   For ”Jim it was all about the people” and he spent his time at Nebraska ensuring that his ...

  2. Positioning

    other digital assets to reflect diversity of people and environments in urban communities. Identify specific ...

  3. Food Waste News

    committed to two missions: first, to educate people about reducing food waste, and second, to explore ways ...

  4. Internship/Employment Opportunities with Certified Humane

    to gain on-farm experience and exposure.  Auditing is also something that many people do both ...

  5. 2021-2022 CFAES Awards: Steve Boyles, Distinguished Extension Faculty Award

    Boyles has presented BQA related topics to over 15,000 people. Most of his efforts have been with ...

  6. Whitestone Farm Equine Internship Opportunity

    care to all horses and people. While they have closed the facility and its surrounding areas to the ...

  7. 4-H Professionals Inservice

    make our 4-H program more welcoming to all the people we serve. The purpose of the IDI discussion and ...

  8. HAI Club Puppy Raising Program

    to become guides for blind and visually impaired people, helping them achieve greater independence ...

  9. Dairy Working Group

    that averages 525  people and growing. The organizing committee includes members of the faculty at Ohio ...

  10. Animal Welfare and Behavior Club Meeting

    The next AWBC meeting is November 3rd at 5:30 pm in Animal Science room 210. Stephanie Sindel from ...
