
Search results

  1. Prospective Plantings Not a Surprise. It's Weather that Could Shape Grower Decisions

    about 6 million acres. People were concerned about where those acres would end up, and we see a lot of ...

  2. Chow Line: When alarms sound, balance risk, benefits (for 9/10/06)

    salad mix. The company issued a recall, but authorities documented illness among 26 people, primarily ...

  3. Chow Line: Vitamin C and iron are great partners (for 5/11/03)

    non-heme iron is usually absorbed-- with most people absorbing closer to 2 percent. Citrus fruits can help ...

  4. Properly Manage Invasive Plant Species at Farm Science Review

    Tartarian. "The flowers really grab people and they say, ‘Oh, how pretty. I would love to have that in ... originally introduced as a cooking herb but it can now be found prolifically throughout Ohio. "People ...

  5. Managing Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle Focus of OSU-Hosted Meetings

    dry place to over-winter. "We've gotten information from people saying that they get ... a good bio-control agent, but I don't think most people realized how much the insects like to use ...

  6. Bat Disease Could Cost Ohio Farmers Up to $1.7B a Year

    /White-nose-Syndrome-Detected-in-Ohio.aspx. Details on ways people can help bats are in this press ...

  7. Higher Fuel Prices To Impact Some Farmers More Than Others

    fuel prices is that they are the last people on the list,” Shoemaker said. “Everybody passes the extra ...

  8. Parenting Classes for 'Captive' Audience Have Multiple Benefits

    consumer sciences educator for Ohio State University Extension. "A lot of people are brought up in ...

  9. Hot, dry season putting damper on corn yield potential

    forecast, to be brutally honest, is not promising," he said. "Some people will talk about maturity ...

  10. Food Safety is Focus of $2.3 Million in Grants

    where you take into consideration not just animals, not just people, not just the environment, but ...
