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  1. Live Smart, Post Photo, Win Chance at Ohio State Football Tickets

    is crucial to people right now,” said Seger, who is an educational technology specialist for FCS. ...

  2. Chow Line: Eating More Vegetables, Lean Proteins Could Help With Fertility

    on the ability to conceive. The issue is significant for many people considering that some 10 percent ...

  3. Ohio Compost Operator Short Course Set for March 8-9

    with the Organics Recycling Association of Ohio, is for people who work at or with large-scale ...

  4. Reducing the Environmental Impact of Cows' Waste

    produce, he said. If cows have less gas and fewer burps, it is not only more pleasant for the people who ... are going to have significant worldwide population growth and we need to feed all those people ...

  5. Chow Line: Meat vs. ‘Meat?’

    ‘clean’ as some people feel that this product is better for the environment and that the manufacturing of ...

  6. Antibiotic Resistance: From Animals to People

    veterinarians to fight. “The same resistant bacteria are affecting animals and people,” Habing said. “Human use ...

  7. Everything you need to know about the farm bill in one summit

    changes in the new farm bill and the implications for the state’s farmers. “We want people to know what ...

  8. Government Shutdown Aside, Sequester Cuts Potentially Devastating

    People have lost focus on some really damaging effects that the sequester had on beneficial government ... identify people or businesses that are underserved, or to identify other problems such as fraud. Having ...

  9. Event to Feature Ohio’s Forests and the One in Ohio State’s Library

    changing landscapes.” After the speakers, an optional bus tour limited to 44 people will visit the library ...

  10. Ohio State Professor’s New Animal Welfare Designation Shows Compassion, Expertise

    between producers and consumers and help people have a better understanding of the livestock industry.” ...
