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Chow Line: Focus on healthy eating patterns (for March 6, 2011)
pattern. But for most people, that can be a time-consuming task that would be difficult to keep up on ...
Cash for Manure? Workshop Looks at Ways to Clean Up Grand Lake St. Marys
Inc. OSU Extension, which brings the resources of Ohio State directly to the people of Ohio, is the ...
Chow Line: Lose weight with new Dietary Guidelines (for 2/13/11)
people tend to eat more when there's more in front of them. Plus, the number of fast-food ...
Ohio State Receives $24M USAID Grant to Boost Agriculture, Food Security in Tanzania
stability and prosperity. A nation of 35 million people, half of whom live in poverty, Tanzania-- whose ...
Nine New AgrAbility Fact Sheets Online
be comfortable and usable by all people, into the farmstead. For more information about the Ohio ...
Confined Spaces, Teen Challenge Highlight Safety Demos At Farm Science Review 2011
contest. “The Teen Ag Challenge is a game for the young people attending Review to test their knowledge of ...
Family Fundamentals: Online course can help with family finances (September 2011)
eye about money. How can we get past this? People make decisions about money just like they make other ...
Ohio farmers’ markets increase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) redemption by offering incentives
on Saturdays, we have a couple of people who split their mornings between us and Worthington FM, ...
Nutrient Management Key Theme of Ohio No-Till Conference
minds of many people who do no-till,” said Jim Hoorman, assistant professor studying cover crops and ...
Family Fundamentals: Just put pen to paper to start on budget (January 2012)
online store at The goal most people have in setting a budget is to ...