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State Conference 2014- Great Speakers, Great Location and Great People = A Huge Success!
Speakers, Great Location, Great People! See you at Hocking Hills in 2015! Want to learn more about NW ...
Recommendations for Special Needs Facilities
should also be given to cattle movement, people movement, vehicles and equipment, feedstuffs, birds, ... should have appropriate signage to alert and remind people of the dairy’s policies and a drawing ... diseases. Veterinarians, hoof trimmers, service persons, sales people and any other visitors to the dairy ...
Managing the Work Schedule for Personnel in Large Dairy Herds
not directly involve the herd or the farm, it is people! Managing and coordinating the work schedule ... least an eight-hour rest. A dairy farm, by definition, requires people to work extended and unusual ...
Five Tips to Reduce Spray Drift
may damage non-target crops nearby, and poses a serious health risk to people living in areas where ...
NAIPC Meeting: Orange Shirt Day Informational Session (DICE)
Alonso Family Room Join the Native American and Indigenous Peoples Cohort (NAIPC) for a conversation ...
Quality Milk and Quality Beef
producers were losing approximately $70 for every cow and bull marketed due to quality defects. Some people ...
Results of State 4-H and Collegiate Dairy Judging Teams
honor to travel with these fine young people. Coaches Bonnie Ayars and Bernie Heisner and assistant ...
Cost of Nutrients in Feedstuffs
known seasonal trends. We know that people drink more beer in summer time. Thus, more beer is brewed. ... people are milling this wheat! Thus, the supply of wheat middlings (often shortened to wheat midds) ...
The Costs of Nutrients, Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices and the Current Dairy Situation
both Australia (22 million people) and New Zealand (4 million people) is so small that milk produced in ...
Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices
through our average national prices much more quickly than the people trading futures contracts are ... rations for reasons other than its NE L and MP content. Appendix A few people have asked that I publish ...