
Search results

  1. Project Comes To The Rescue of Ohio's Agricultural Literature

    a region. It even goes beyond agriculture; it shows how people lived.” Funded by the National Endowment ... people who plowed Ohio from scratch and planted the seeds of its future development. Here are some ...

  2. Family Fundamentals: Try this alternative 'time-out' method for children (for August 2011)

    This "new" time-out can help you develop your children into people who learn to make good ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-23

    insect problems in field crops in Ohio.   People are reporting finding soybean aphids, but only at a few ... will overwinter, possibly resulting in problems in 2011. A few people have asked about twospotted ...

  4. Post-USDA Reports, Market Focus Likely Shifts to 2012

    expected price rationing. “People were looking for yield revisions in corn and soybeans, because we ...

  5. OSU Wine Grape Variety Trial Seeks to Increase Ohio Wine Grape Growing Options

    and wine industry also employs more than 4,100 people, providing a payroll of $124.2 million, he said. ...

  6. OSU Extension Offers Resources and Information to Manage Drought as Conditions Intensify Statewide

    and drought assistance And people who want to access social media to learn and talk about drought can ...

  7. Continued Extreme Heat Could Damage Corn, Soybeans

    a lot of people who are suffering while others may not be experiencing conditions that are as bad. This ...

  8. Farmer Views on Nutrient Loss, Water Quality to Be Discussed at Farm Science Review

    Area.  Through her research, Wilson is interested in learning the values, attitudes and beliefs of people ...

  9. 4-H'er to Expand International Experience with Yearlong Internship in Japan

    other cultures. It includes homestay and academic exchange programs for young people in Japan, the U.S., ...

  10. Blowing in the Wind: OSU Extension Helps Communities Develop Wind Energy Projects

    what would be the best way to contact farmers, and also how we could get people together to show them ... new sector. "Our goal is really to try to educate people about renewable energy, what the impact both ...
