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Chow Line: Tips to prevent holiday weight gain
weight gain over the holidays of about 1 pound. This is good news, because most people assume it is five ... or 10 times that number. Still, researchers warn that people tend to keep that extra pound instead of ... gain. Studies also indicate that people who are already overweight are more likely to gain five pounds ...
'In Over Your Head' Bulletin Offers Strategies for Financial Crisis
it's also for people who aren't at that point yet," said Chris Olinsky, family and consumer ... debt? A surprising number of people don't. We designed this bulletin to help them understand and ... take control of their finances." In addition, the bulletin offers detailed information for people ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Who Else Needs the Arctic? (for the Week of Jan. 13, 2007)
Melt-caused changes will change how well and how many of them survive. Arctic people in turn need these ... What's up in Antarctica? Going south, Twig P.S. People of the Arctic include the Aleuts, Gwich'in, ... Saami, Inuit and Athabascan. Notes: Different spellings exist for many of the names of Arctic people. For ...
Chow Line: Milk a good option for protein, calcium (for 4/15/07)
nutritionists would say they are also misleading. The first statement is true only for people with kidney ... problems, and it holds for any type of protein. People with pre-existing kidney disease or with just one ... overload on the kidneys. For most people, the protein in milk doesn't pose any such risk. As for the ...
Chow Line: Diabetes must be taken seriously (for 10/31/10)
uptake and use the glucose that flows through the bloodstream after you eat something. Some people are ... control measures for people with diabetes. Both weight loss and regular exercise help the body's ... nerves and small blood vessels. According to the ADA, about 60 percent to 70 percent of people with ...
INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Louisiana State University
important that young people understand the urgency we have with restoring those wetlands. It depends. The ...
Family Fundamentals: Resources available for families hit hard by economy (May 2011)
designed precisely for people experiencing economic difficulties. Even though it's called "5 ... wanted to provide an easy way for people to find local resources they would need as their income ... Extension that helps people find the most efficient way to pay off loans, credit cards and other types of ...
Holy Toledo (Botanical Garden)! Family Bat Workshop Coming Soon
literally tons of pests-- both of people, such as mosquitoes, and of crops. A single bat may eat up to ... the eastern U.S. and Canada. (People can’t catch it.) Titchenell will talk about what the disease has ... done so far, what it may do in the future, and how bat-loving people can help. “Mind-boggling Bats!” ...
OSU Extension to Host Informational Meeting on Bovine Anaplasmosis
Extension educator. “If you get it, it’s a major concern,” he said. “It’s out there and we want people to be ... aware of it and to know what to look for. “The goal is to educate people on how the disease spreads and ... and people want to learn more.” Animals that develop the clinical signs of anaplasmosis are usually ...
Ninety-five Percent Approval Rating for Dairy Housing and Animal Care from Consumers Who Have Been Down on the Farm!
farm? Not what the media sometimes presents or what some special interest groups want people to believe! ... farmers would make the right decisions regarding housing their animals. One individual from People for the ... well-managed dairy farms provides an experience you can’t get in the newspaper or on the internet. Once people ...