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  1. MEDIA ADVISORY: Norovirus Experts Available to Discuss Recent Outbreaks

    people to take precautions to prevent the spread of the foodborne illness. Norovirus is the leading cause ... occurs during the winter when people are in closed settings with close contact among individuals-- this ... It's important to note, Wang says, that 20 percent of norovirus-infected people do not show any ...

  2. People (click for more)

    profiles > ...

  3. Study Provides Insight on Residents of Rural Food Deserts

    this seeming paradox to discover more about people who live in rural food deserts and how they access ... areas, you have a grocery store within a half-mile or mile. "For most people in Ohio, 11 miles from ... than average, preventing them from having time to garden. People who eat more produce are more likely ...

  4. What is Your Personality Color Spectrum Workshop

    The Spectrum Temperament Development Model is a fun and exciting method for helping people better ... people around them. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop from 9am to noon. The cost is $75 per ...

  5. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: People Behind Climate Change? (for the Week of Feb. 4, 2007)

    January 29, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: What's causing global climate change? Some people say ... it's people. Some people say that's bunk. A. I'm a bug. An insect. A northern walking stick. ... is really going on. And that the main cause "very likely" is people. (In this case, ...

  6. Opioid Epidemic in Ohio – Resources and Related Articles

    opiates killed the most people in 2015  – The Washington Post OxyContin, other narcotic pain pills still ...

  7. Felipe Dalla Lana da Silva

    attended by over 2,000 people. Write annual report of committee activity to APS. Vice-Chair, 2016-2017 ...

  8. DISCflex Workshop

    professional success by providing insight into how an individual’s behavior impacts the people around her or ...

  9. Chow Line: Over 50? Consider B12 supplement (for 2/4/07)

    B12 deficiency is rare, but older people may, in fact, benefit from taking a supplement. First-- even ... it, so most people maintain healthy levels. However, research is indicating that B12 deficiency in ... older people is more common than once believed. That may have something to do with a lower amount of ...

  10. Chow Line: Americans flunk healthy eating index (1/13/12)

    changed my diet. Do many people actually follow these recommendations? First, congratulations on eating ... on helping people balance calories and physical activity to manage weight; consume more fruit, ... ( makes it easy for people to personalize those recommendations and determine, well, what to put on ...
