
Search results

  1. Government Academy Workshop 8: Zoning, Taxes, and Levies for Public Officials

    2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict Management May 16, 2019, 5:30 ...

  2. J. Miller

    245 Hello, I’d like to find a room in FABE for approx. 8-14 people for the following date. Can you ...

  3. Agriculture and Natural Resources

    website Statewide Office ...

  4. GAPs Online Produce Safety Course

    the letter "O").   Then click Add Group. A minimum of 10 people must be registered for us to ... offer the course and class size is limited to 25 people. The course price is $225.     Please let Don ...

  5. Meet Justin Haerr: Future Ohio Farmer

    University, club membership consisted of approximately 12 people. Currently, it has become one of the fastest ... growing groups on campus with 50+ people attending meetings. Justin correlates club involvement with the ... “For people from rural West Central Ohio, it kinda molds right into what their interests are.” Being ...

  6. Innovate Ohio State 2018

    with technology. Innovate is a time for bringing people together across disciplines and across adoption ...

  7. Structure Recommendations: Summer 2017

    relationships across program areas and bringing people together through successful teams that are inclusive, ... people accountable. Manage conflict. Collaborate for professional development with others scheduling time ... reimbursements, liaison with the county commissioners (may be different people) CAL Level – budget development, ...

  8. Meet Dylan Beam: Biological Engineering Major and Undergraduate Researcher

    than people in the state” rang true. Fortunately for Dylan, he has always had an innate love for the ... first but did not feel it was right. He wanted a more humanitarian pursuit. “I wanted to help people ... a lot of different people doing a lot of different research,” he said. His advice for those who want to ...

  9. M. Banta

    202 Jim, Is there a room there at AGE that I could reserve for three people from 12:30 to about ...

  10. Memories and Milestones of OSU Extension

    all the people who worked or were touched by Extension programs. In-depth contributions were made by ...
