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Rural Transportation Programs and Their Benefits
goals of Ohio’s Rural Transit Program are to: enhance the access of people in rural areas to shopping, ... isolation for groups such as older adults and people with disabilities. Access to transportation may also ... can overcome this constraint and reinforce agglomerations by allowing more people to come closer ...
No Riders on Farm and Lawn Equipment
a safety hazard and should not be allowed. Address the reasons why people have riders. Stress the hazards ... an extra seat provision, some people allow riders. Any rider for any reason is a safety hazard. An ...
Primary Caregiver for a Farm Family Member
make them more helpful for a certain task. Then ASK people for help. Many people are willing to help ... daytime services and activities for adults. It will give your loved one time to interact with other people ... will be gone for extended periods. Accept people's help and seek support. Educate yourself about ...
Tools for 4-H Public Speaking
4-H Camping and Older Youth, Ohio State University Extension People speak in front of a group on ... around other people. Is one of the best ways to get a (better) job. Is one of the most effective ways to ... a leader, you must know how to communicate. People follow leaders who inspire them and leaders who ...
What Horse Owners Should Know About West Nile Virus
to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. The principal transmitter of WNV is the northern house ... infected with WNV. Once the mosquito is infected, it may transmit the virus to people or other animals when ... from the infection. Horses, too, are prone to severe WNV infection. People cannot get WNV from another ...
Gender Issues: Preparing Children for a Lifetime of Success
Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension For many years, people believed that ... fact, during that era, many people began to argue that women and men are far more similar than they are ... an area in which gender differences are well documented. But now, think about a group of people you ...
Secondary Injury Prevention: Heat Stress
Engineering, The Ohio State University People with a pre-existing condition, such as limited mobility, heart ... People need to be reacclimatized to the heat after any "time off" or hospitalization. Eight ... body. • People with epilepsy, heart, kidney, or liver disease, are on fluid-restricted diets, or have ...
Eating Disorders Awareness: Binge Eating Disorder
thirds and so on until we experience feelings of discomfort due to overeating. For some people, this ... a short period of time than most people would eat under similar circumstances, with episodes marked by ... proven effective in helping people overcome this disorder (Adis Medical Writers, 2015). Antidepressants ...
Before You Say “I Do” Again
Leader, Top of Ohio Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension Most people ... remarried people see divorce as an option for ending marital problems than do couples from first marriages. ... adult's age. It's not all doom and gloom though. Many studies show that remarried people are about as ...
Campylobacteriosis: A Concern for Parents with Young Children and Other Young Adults
syndrome. This syndrome usually causes paralysis. While most people who contract campylobacteriosis recover ... in the United States. What is the Treatment for Campylobacteriosis? Most people infected with ... by contact with feces, people with active diarrhea, especially those who are unable to control their ...