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  1. App design at Marion Harding High School

    all people. Earlier this week, seven teams shared their ideas and the app prototypes they developed ...

  2. January 2022 CFAES Connect

    Plant Health Copy:  A new exhibit is coming to the Thompson Library, titled “Protecting Plants, People ...

  3. Valuing Bedded-Pack Manure

    tarp. Fold up the tarp and weigh the manure captured. Many people use a bathroom scales for this. One ...

  4. PetPALS Bringing Equipment

    (with the animal taking it gently); playing with a toy; two people shouting at each other around the pet ...

  5. Annual Banquet for the Buckeye Dairy Club and the Department of Animal Sciences

    – Chad Riethman; Lemmermen – Kevin Jacque; COBA/Select Sires Wallace Erickson –Stephanie Neal; Dairy ... officers for the Buckeye Dairy Club are: President- Stephanie Adams; First Vice-President – Jason ... Council Representative – Teresa Smith; and Web Page-  Stephanie Neal. Another highlight of the program was ...

  6. Return to campus. Return to Tradition

    … and for the growing future opportunities for people to make new connections at Waterman too ...

  7. PetPALS Rabbit Behaviors

    communicate with people, other rabbits, and other animals. A rabbit does not express all of these behaviors in ...

  8. Faces of Ohio

    exceptional people. This month, our Face of Ohio is Lynnze English, a 4-H alumna from Adventure Central in ...

  9. Livestock Judging Reunion Invite Reminder

    outdoors for unvaccinated individuals when they cannot maintain physical distancing. Vaccinated people are ...

  10. 2010's

    young people and adults.  Not only does he strive to succeed, but also to help move 4-H forward in ...
