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Chow Line: Eating 'on automatic' hard to overcome (for 5/3/09)
size, visibility and availability. For example, studies show that people given larger portion sizes of ... anything from baked pasta to potato chips to stale popcorn will eat much more of the food than people given ... smaller portions, yet they don't report feeling more full than those who ate less. Often, people will ...
Chow Line: Alternate-day fast not a proven diet (for 11/29/09)
scope. So, while this sort of technique may work for some people, we know far too little for it to get an ... Clinical Nutrition, is a case in point. Researchers at the University of Illinois screened 52 people to ... a dietitian. Researchers included this phase to see if people could keep up the regimen without having meals ...
Poisonous Carrot Family Plants Can Be Confused For Nontoxic Members
celery, carrots, anise, fennel, and cilantro, also contains two highly poisonous plants that many people ... landscape ecology, said people should learn to recognize poison hemlock and wild parsnip. These plants look ... available) at least 58 people died after ingesting a poisonous plant that was misidentified as an edible ...
Homebuyer's Guide Could Help Prevent Nightmares When Pursuing American Dream
process a success: Research shows that people who participate in pre-purchase education have a decreased ... especially important for people who might be interested in home equity lines of credit. Often people ... illustrating decisions people must make during the homebuying process. The case studies don't offer ...
Following 'Rules' Helps People Save
University researchers have found that people who set specific "saving rules" for themselves are ... economics, looked at a number of behaviors and other variables to explain why some people save money over the ... self-control mechanism. "For many people, it's difficult to exercise self-control," Rha said. ...
USDA Secretary Vilsack: 'Agriculture is Cool Again'
attracting the attention of young, talented people interested in a career in food and resource production and ... dependent on bright young people and the faculty here at Ohio State working with entrepreneurs, inventors, ... to the people, learning what problems are out there and bringing them back to the research operation. ...
Chow Line: Not everyone can tolerate gluten (for 5/9/10)
reasons people would need to avoid wheat? It could be that your friends actually do have celiac disease, ... 133 people have celiac disease, although many go undiagnosed and may have relatively minor symptoms. ... However, some people, particularly children, actually have a similar but distinct condition-- a wheat ...
Family Fundamentals: Look for early warning signs of autism disorders (for April 2007)
the autism spectrum are more common than many people think. The Centers for Disease Control and ... other people at all. Avoid eye contact and want to be alone. Have trouble understanding other ... people's feelings or talking about their own feelings. Prefer not to be held or cuddled or might cuddle ...
Extension Reconsidered Luncheon
Extension Reconsidered-- We Need Your Opinions! We need people between the ages of 14-30 to share ...
National 4-H Week / October 5 – 11, 2014
fifty people the wonderful benefits that they all gained through the Butler County 4-H program. Each ... many people fear public speaking more than death. 4-H teaches countless life skills used in our ... people and their families gain beneficial skills needed to be proactive forces in their communities and ...