
Search results

  1. Drupal 7 Training for OARDC

    people and more. Graduate students and student assistants are welcome to attend, as well as new hires, ... we have scheduled for training for those people who manage OARDC websites that will be moving to the ...

  2. Little Miami Watershed Network

    people and wildlife. 05090202 05090202010 05090202020 05090202030 05090202040 05090202050 05090202060 ...

  3. Building Independence through Agriculture for People with Developmental Disabilities

    Please come an join us at this one-day workshop! “People with intellectual and developmental ... knowledge and understanding of employment for people with developmental disabilities in agricultural ... settings • Learn about existing agricultural models that employ people with developmental disabilities ...

  4. Fertilizer and Pesticide Re-certification Meeting on March 16 is Cancelled

    UPDATE- As of 3/16/2020 the Fertilizer and Pesticide Re-certification class is cancelled. Our 2020 Fertilizer and Pesticide Re-certification class will be Monday, March 16 at the Williams County East Annex Building at 1425 East High Street, Bryan, Ohio 43 ...

  5. “It’ll change everything. I’ll be able to farm and make food for people and that’s exciting.”

    “It’ll change everything,” Bentlage says. “I’ll be able to farm and make food for people and ...

  6. State 4-H Leader Meet and Greet

    Dr. Kirk Bloir became Ohio's state 4-H leader last fall. He's traveling throughout the state to get to know 4-H families and volunteers and beginning his visits in Williams County, where he grew up as a 4-H member. Stop in to say hello, ask ques ...

  7. Water Management Association of Ohio Annual Conference

    "Moving the needle: Policies, programs, and people that drive change" For more information, go to ...

  8. Atrazine

    EFFECTS Some people who drink water containing atrazine well in excess of the maximum contaminant level ...

  9. FERT/PAT Recertification

    UPDATE- Fertilizer and Pesticide Re-certification Meeting originally scheduled for March 16th from 5- 9 pm is CANCELLED. We are working with the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture to determine next steps and will be in contact with local growers still in need of r ...

  10. Livestock Quality Assurance

