
Search results

  1. Dairy Cattle Judging Team seeking sponsors

    Stephanie Wyatt (Hamilton, OH). The judging team experience helps participating students develop thinking, ...

  2. 4-H Rocks! 4-H Week

    Please spread the word about our great 4-H program! Today, send a flyer to 5 new people and invite ...

  3. Ohio State Energy Symposium Feb 10 & 11

    3:25 p.m.     What Does It Mean to Go Negative? 4:10 p.m.     Power To, For and From the People 4:55 ...

  4. Meet Ashlee Balcerzak: Paving the Road to a Career in Higher Education

    field,” she recalls. “After traveling to Guatemala for a mission trip and seeing how many people lacked ... to become a medical doctor to help people, I was going to become a different kind of doctor who could ... also help people, I wanted to use my love for learning and education to help others and make ...

  5. Hiring Two Student Assistants for Summer 2020!

    Self-Motivation, Enthusiastic & Demonstrate good people skills. For complete details, please click here.   ...

  6. McMullen places first in regional interview contest

    agriscience education. MANRRS is a national society of people of all racial and ethnical groups in ...

  7. Meet Lindsay West: A Food Engineer with a Global Perspective

    throughout her life. These experiences influenced the way she views the world and people. Her passion for ... opportunity to create real world solutions that improve the lives of many people.  Lindsay says, “This ... has to offer.  “I’ve learned that people love sharing their experiences if you are willing to strike ...

  8. McMullen places first in regional interview contest

    education. MANRRS is a national society of people of all racial and ethnical groups in agricultural and ...

  9. Meet Morgan Dent: Humanitarian Engineer

    on what really matters, relationships, people, and love. I also learned a lot about teamwork, ... loved people-focused work and community development. The work she did in Ghana affected her so much she ... interest in service or research or a different opportunity explore it, research, ask people questions. ...

  10. Digital Engagement Toolkit

    these days, it’s safe to say that  most  people are using at least one social platform. When considering ...
