
Search results

  1. Downscaling the measurement of sustainability

    services, and people across space."       The distribution of capital and wealth can be very uneven ...

  2. Junior Fair Board finds inspiration on the road

    experience from the trip was getting to meet new people. “I really enjoyed the bus rides between each stop ... because it gave everyone the chance to talk to new people and just hang out!” ...

  3. Calendar of Events

    while also cultivating the diversity of plants and people found in the garden. A continental breakfast, ...

  4. H. Allen Klaiber

    microeconmetrics techniques to analyze these choices, consistent measures of the tradeoffs people are willing to ... recover consistent measures of the tradeoffs people are willing to make to alter their surroundings. This ...

  5. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Fran DeWine

    Over the years, thousands of young people have taken part in the Ohio 4-H program and carried the ... through county fair auctions and events. She encourages young people to discover the importance of 4-H and ...

  6. Ohio Teens Featured at National 4-H Hall of Fame Ceremony

    church, so I was prepared to have a large group of people listen to me, but knowing I was there to perform ...

  7. 4-H Teens Become Leaders at the Ohio State Fair

    opportunity to connect with people from all over the state and I’ve gained so many new skills in my first year ... awesome experience and I’ve met so many new people through TLC. I’ve also learned leadership and ...

  8. Agriculture plays key role in limiting climate change

    people around the world can undertake to mitigate climate change,” said Sohngen, who has worked with the ... options and more ways for people to get involved in mitigating climate change that are within the realm of ... being cost effective,” Sohngen said. “Part of the reason why people are more optimistic about this ...

  9. 4-H gears up a future career

    other people.” Her GEAR Club advisors were confident in Alyssa’s talents. “She was always proactive,” ...

  10. Where are the workers at the end of 2021? An agricultural and food sector employment update

    either pushing people out of employment in this sector or that are pulling people towards alternative ...
