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  1. Agricultural & Natural Resources Madness- Tournament of Education

    a competition, and people can join in at any time for as many or as few sessions as they desire.” The tournament ...

  2. Happy Cows Mean Better Meat

    than the people who work with them. And you can guess which speed causes less stress for cows. Stress ... “There’s just a lot more ‘foodies’ in our population now,” Boyles said, referring to people with a strong ... have to train people to think like a cow,” Boyles said. Boyles teaches people not to rush cows and ...

  3. From Summits To Sustainability-Reaching for High Places, Personally and Professionally

    broad range of outdoor pursuits. REI leads a robust marketing effort to get people outdoors, including ...

  4. Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — With 32 people infected, Ohio has the highest number of Salmonella cases in ... a recent outbreak involving 47 states where people had contact with backyard poultry flocks. Two experts ... Lorain, Mahoning, Montgomery, Morrow, Richland, Trumbull and Warren. The people who were infected in Ohio ...

  5. Agriculture & Natural Resources Madness- Tournament of Education

    a competition, and people can join in at any time for as many or as few sessions as they desire.” The tournament ...

  6. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Franklin & Crawford County

    front of a livestock show arena, and talked with people as they walked about the fairgrounds. We played ... opportunities they provide. The majority of people we spoke with in Franklin County were consumers, which was ...

  7. Farm Bill Expected to Meet Resistance

    three people involved in managing a farm can each receive a maximum of $125,000 a year on covered ... alone. Among the various proposed changes regarding payment limits, the bill makes several more people ... a farm. “There are a lot of people who believe large farmers are well off enough that payments to them ...

  8. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: 1 Week, 3 County Fairs

    were happy to share the word of sustainability and the contributions of agriculture with the people of ... different types of people, but one thing that everyone shares is an appreciation for sustainable practices. ...

  9. Empathy and Flexibility Go a Long Way When Managing Farm Employees

    requiring long work days, often people opt instead for an 8-hour work day in an office or store, said ... 200 cattle, but in 15 years, could grow to have 2,000 or more. At that point, he’s managing people ... can find people who know how to work with cows, but it’s difficult to find people who like or know how ...

  10. Online Class Improves Workplace Communication with Latinos

    person does not exist, Pasian’s course assumes certain generalizations about people from different ... cultures. “We all behave the way we behave because we learned that in our culture. We expect people to react ... in a certain way. When we interact with people from a different culture, those expectations may not ...
