
Search results

  1. November 2021 Highlights

    Prevention,  on being selected as one of four people awarded the Volunteer Service Award by INFORMS (the ... physicochemical reasons people pair some ingredients together in  “Does pineapple belong on pizza? The science ...

  2. Upcoming Training

    management.  This includes how to create and edit pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's ... events, people and more.  This training is only for the following websites. ACEL: Department of ... items, events, people and the general guidelines for content placement.  It is required that anyone who ...

  3. See You at the Dean's Charity Steer Show

    showmanship, and people’s choice. During the event, there will be a “sale” following the same procedures as ...

  4. Classes from August 31, 2021 through December 2021

    create and edit pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's a great refresher for those who ... items, events, people and the general guidelines for content placement.  It is required that anyone who ...

  5. Endowed Chairs and Distinguished Professors

    industry supporters. The resulting committee was chaired by Webb Jennings. Many people spent much time and ...

  6. Gluten Free Eating 2021

    diet. For people who make the decision to eat gluten free as a matter of dietary choice and not ...

  7. Conversation De-escalation

    offers strategies to more calmly deal with people who are experiencing mental and emotional crisis. ...

  8. Supporting Our Military & Veteran Students

    navigating university and military life can be a challenge. Stephanie Dampney, a senior majoring in animal ...

  9. December 2021 Department Highlights

    favorite memories as well as acknowledge some of the people who supported them. Congratulations and best of ...

  10. January 2022 CFAES Connect

    Plant Health Copy:  A new exhibit is coming to the Thompson Library, titled “Protecting Plants, People ...
