
Search results

  1. NCR-SARE announces 2023 Call for Research and Education Preproposals

    a collection of producers, university representatives, nonprofit group interests, Extension and NRCS people ...

  2. Alumni in the news

    Mechanization & Systems 1997-  Senate passes USMCA Stephanie Conway  BS Agricultural Education 2004-  State ... Davidson  BS Dairy Science 1982-  People, product and protocol — Biosecurity and African swine fever Dr. ...

  3. People


  4. Campus Activities Board (CAB)

    students! Meetings: Weekly Advisor: Benefits of Being a CABbie: Meet new people and make new friends! Plan ...

  5. Where are the workers at the end of 2021? An agricultural and food sector employment update

    either pushing people out of employment in this sector or that are pulling people towards alternative ...

  6. Ohio labor and unemployment updates now available

    a role in keeping people unemployed? Where did all the workers go and what will the future hold? You can ... are either pushing people out of employment in this sector, or are pulling people towards alternative ... metric. Finally, the role unemployment benefits play in keeping people unemployed has long been an open ...

  7. Upcoming Events from OAA

    Professional Development Consortium. At 6 p.m.  Wednesday (March 24), Stephanie G. Adams, dean of the College ...

  8. Wooster Buckeye Wellness Innovators summer foods event

    first 25 people. If you are part of the 25, please find your own substitute if you are unable to attend ...

  9. New DEI Multicultural Student Initiatives Director ...

  10. Dr. Bill Pursch

    there are still people that put money into the fund, which continues to benefit students. “Without your ...
