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  1. EPN Webinar- June 16, 2020 Women Owning Woodlands: Networks for inclusive land stewardship

    Butler, Sarah M.; Huff, Emily S.; Snyder, Stephanie A.; Butler, Brett J.; Tyrrell, Mary. 2017. The Role of ... Ohio WOW chapters?” Stephanie Downs, southern region service forestry coordinator, ODNR Division of ... and inclusion within natural resources.    Stephanie Downs, southern region service forestry ...

  2. Ohio Communities transitioning away from coal explored in new exhibition on campus

    are undergoing big transformations related to energy, and people need a place to reflect on these ... helping people from all backgrounds appreciate the scale of transformation our society is facing." ...

  3. More 2022 News

    January Using soil to better serve people and the planet  (Rattan Lal) February  Readout of ...

  4. Organizational Capacity Building Programs

    change process that intentionally focuses on the best in people, their organizations, and the relevant ...

  5. SENR Announcements, Jan. 19

    STEM skills gap and enabling people to see themselves as future scientists. Our focus is the final day ...

  6. Alumni Career Spotlight: Imby Abath

    people to the dorms and interviewing people to be OWL volunteers.  As for internships, I worked at the ... a master’s degree. I’ve noticed that in the sustainability and climate field, most people have masters ... people. The worst thing someone could tell you is “No.” Especially if you’re trying to go to graduate ...

  7. SENR Announcements, Nov. 7

    conservation in the Amazon: maintaining a healthy, connected and resilient basin for people and nature." ... spaces that are safe, inviting and inclusive of people of all genders. This 90-minute webinar addresses ...

  8. SENR Announcements, Dec. 2

    putting stress on infrastructure, institutions, communities, and people. Predictions of future climate ...

  9. BRE Scope of Services and Cost

    to establish a plan of work to include project timeline, identify key inputs (including people who ...

  10. Undergraduate Research Spotlight: Aurora Ellis

    looking for people to get involved, especially undergraduate students who don’t have as much experience ... and could use skill development.  Research! I know a lot of people don’t know where to start, so ... a research focus, professors are always looking for people to get involved, especially undergraduate students ...
