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  1. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Texas A&M University

    then the other value of that is you can prerecord them and it's in a location where our people can ... and we put a lot of into that. As we've been able to put more stuff online, for people to get ... their continued education that way, we see less people coming through the doors of a building to attend ...

  2. Farm Management for New & Small Farms

    couples.  Registration deadline is January 30, 2017.  Space is limited to 30 people. Week 1:  Developing ...

  3. It’s never too late for learning

    Copeland, shared a video of “Grandma Lil” and her friend Jane on Twitter, thousands of people fell in love ...

  4. Ohio Governor Signs Executive Order to Prioritize Tech Solutions for People with Disabilities

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  5. Healthy Trees, Healthy People

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  6. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Northern Marianas College

    the olden days- as I've been told by people on the island- back when this island was under the ... environmental sizes, so this kids-- you're trying to teach this young people the value of our natural ... production side, but more on the education side for young people." I said, "Absolutely." The ...

  7. Community Nutrition Outreach

    Public Health farmers markets. The community nutrition team connected with over 10,500 people through ...

  8. How (and Why) Cities Are Marketing Bikes to Poor People

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  9. China Gateway

    enhance overall relations between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. Since 1979, the ...

  10. February Newsletter

    Extension offers a wide range of programs to help people improve the quality of their lives, from money ... called “When Good People Disagree,” which explored conflicts and ways to respectfully and constructively ... Extension, Franklin County connects with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. ...
