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CFAES Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshops
between people with different views and lived experiences can go awry and lead to frustration and ... recorded. Exploding Myths About Transgender and Nonbinary People Although transgender and nonbinary people ... exist and create environments that are unwelcoming or even hostile to people with gender identities that ...
Drones for Spraying Pesticides—Opportunities and Challenges
People’s Daily Online (2022), according to data from the country’s National Agro-Tech Extension and Service ... provide a trained team (usually two to three people) to operate the aircraft. A rapid proliferation of ... away from any dwelling, people, or animals. Regardless of the spray equipment, special attention is ...
Explore On-Farm Research Reports
You can now find our most recent on-farm research reports at Explore new and past studies using our search tool, or filter reports by county with the clickable map of Ohio. Reports provide in-depth summaries of pr ...
March and April 2024 Highlights
Noah Dameron and Talia Katz and to FST graduate students Stephanie Almquist, Nana Boateng, Evita ...
mRNA Vaccines: The Next Generation Tool to Fight Infections
to cause illness in its natural host. These defective pathogens can then be given to healthy people ... useful for: replacing proteins that are missing in some sick people. creating vaccines. mRNA Vaccine ... before it is given to large numbers of people. The FDA regulates the approval of new technology in the ...
Starter Fertilizer Uptake in Corn
2023_Union_Corn_Starter Phosphorus Uptake_Dellinger.pdf 2023 Corn Corn Union ...
Northwest Ohio Corn-Soybean Day
Dr. Stephanie Karhoff, Mr. Alan Leininger, Mr. Kendall Lovejoy, Dr. Osler Ortez, and Mr. Kyle Verhoff ...
Aging: A Natural and Beneficial Part of Life
a highly individualized experience and age-related changes occur at different rates for different people ... have four living generations. Many people experience full lives for two to four decades past 60 years ... uninformed about aging. Negative Perceptions Many people have negative assumptions about aging, including ...
Dr. Ahmed Yousef
Dr. Ahmed Yousef Professor ...