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  1. 2016 Extension in the City Highlights Report

    to bring people and ideas together. Visit the Extension in the City impact pages to learn how ...

  2. 2014 Annual Report

    and resources of The Ohio State University. The mission of OSU Extension is engaging people to ...

  3. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    Candace Lease Pictured bottom: (L to R): Kayla Oxendale, Victoria Trbovich, Stephanie Telek, Cayla ...

  4. Information from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on Employing Teenagers

    promote fair, inclusive, and discrimination-free workplaces for millions of young people. At the height of ... last summer (July 2005), more than 7 million young people age 16 to19 joined the U.S. workforce, ...

  5. Entrepreneurial Marketing Introductory Guide

    based on the perspective of people committed to engagement in urban communities. If you have ...

  6. Stress Management

    For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. Come learn and ...

  7. Dairy Farm Tour to Argentina and Uruguay

    trip, we need a minimum of 18 people and a maximum of 21. If you are interested in going or you want ...

  8. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

    For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. When you're ...

  9. Ohio State Offers Free Screening of Film Dedicated to Increasing Urban Agriculture

    how to create or expand agriculture-related business opportunities for people who want to get into the ... Hogan said. “People want to do it for a number of reasons: as an economic enterprise, for community ... building, to grow food for their families, as job training for young people and others. “Growers, producers, ...

  10. Support for 4-H Dairy Judging Team to Travel to Europe

    Extension Wow what a year! Many workouts and competitions through the years prepared these four young people ... prepare our young people for future leadership roles. With their placement at WDE, they have earned the ...
