
Search results

  1. Bee, Wasp, Hornet, and Yellow Jacket Stings for Trainers and Supervisors

    Between 1 and 2 million people in the United States are very allergic to stinging insect venom. Every year ... 90 to 100 people die from sting reactions. Many more deaths may happen, mistakenly diagnosed as heart ... attacks or sunstrokes or attributed to other causes. More people die yearly from the effects of insect ...

  2. Salmonella

    poisoning?" Food poisoning is the common term many people use to refer to foodborne illness. When an outbreak ... for several months. A few people who have salmonellosis may develop long-term joint pain, a condition ... people attribute their illness to a virus or flu. The local Health Department and Centers for Disease ...

  3. Parasites: Cryptosporidium parvum, Cyclospora, and Giardia lamblia

    Cyclospora. When consumed, all three parasites establish themselves in the intestinal tract of the people or ... indicates that parasitic diseases occur most frequently in the warmer months. This is the time when people ... a number of organisms that can make people sick. It is not possible to determine which pathogen is causing ...

  4. Native Shrubs: Creating Living Landscapes for Birds, Butterflies, Bees, and Other Beneficials

    to birds and mammals and is edible to people either raw or cooked. Attractive purple to red fall ...

  5. Safe Use of Harvesting Equipment with Cutterbars

    rotating disks can severely injure people or animals. Crop residue, rocks, or other debris that are thrown ... and rotating disks can severely injure people and animals. T F 2. When pulling crops out of ...

  6. Potassium

    Requirements Guidelines from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Science recommend people ... people only consume about half of the potassium level recommended. To help increase potassium, try ...

  7. Frequently Asked Questions About Birds and West Nile Virus

    to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. The principal transmitter of WNV is the northern house ... infected with WNV. Once the mosquito is infected, it may transmit the virus to people or other animals when ... from the infection. Horses, too, are prone to severe WNV infection. People cannot get WNV from another ...

  8. Ultraviolet Light Exposure: Health Concerns

    This melanin gives a tanned look, which is damage to the skin. For people who naturally are darker ... skinned, the melanin in their skin provides them with some protection against sunburns. Fair-skinned people ... including redheads, blondes and people with blue or light green eyes burn more quickly due to less melanin ...

  9. Marisa Kadrovach

    Ohio State?  I love the football games but also the opportunity to meet so many new people and friends. ...

  10. 2011 Award Winners

    Butterfield  Kip Shoemaker  Katy Shircliff  Lyndsey Murphy  Shalie Terrill  Justin Rismiller  Stephanie Neal  ...
