
Search results

  1. Southwestern Ohio Beginner Beekeeping Webinars

    is limited to 300 people. All sessions will start at 7:00 p.m. and will be finished by 9:00 p.m. ...

  2. Southwestern Ohio Beginner Beekeeping Webinars

    is limited to 300 people. All sessions will start at 7:00 p.m. and will be finished by 9:00 p.m March ...

  3. Southwestern Ohio Beginner Beekeeping Webinars

    is limited to 300 people. All sessions will start at 7:00 p.m. and will be finished by 9:00 p.m. ...

  4. Membership Recruitment and Retention

    individuals and what your group hopes to accomplish. People usually join an organization that meets their ... organization to get and keep people involved in your activities, to include them in your decision-making and ... everyone in the planning of a program. When people feel ownership for an activity, they are more  likely to ...

  5. Brazilians See Enough of OSU in a Single Day to Return for Graduate Studies

    (TOP) which has opened doors for over 15,000 young people, from Ohio or from around the world, over the ...

  6. All Day Art

    and complete a project at the SAC! Spaces are limited to 9 people per hour so sign up fast to secure ...

  7. Student Org Update on In-Person Events

    and tabling activities, even those of 10 people or fewer, will once again be prohibited. This ...

  8. Learning Lab is Open!!

    and how to adapt to having your classes online. I understand this time can be hard for some people and ...

  9. Campus Activities Board (CAB) Meeting

    people! Impact Student Life! Plan Events! Be Creative! Have Fun! ...

  10. Animal Sciences Bullish about on-Animal Sensors Project with Australia’s CQUniversity

    around the clock and are sensitive enough to detect minute changes that people do not notice. For cattle ...
