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  1. ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015

    offers an open exchange of information, connecting the people and ideas that can make a real and ...

  2. A Recipe for Recreational Safety at the Farm Pond

    incidents, on average about nine people die from drowning every day in the United States.” To make your pond ...

  3. Lawn Mowing Safety

    mower safety is not practiced. Each year, nearly 80,000 people are treated in emergency rooms for ...

  4. 2017 OARDC Annual Research Conference

    Presented by David Marthey (Advisor) We have reserved the OSU charter bus again this year for people that ...

  5. National Farm Safety and Health Week, Sept. 15-21, 2013

    to people that aren’t typically included in other workforces.” To read the whole article, http ...

  6. DEADLINE: Applications for USAID Africa Bureau Internships

    build sustained and well-governed states that respond to the needs of their people, reduce widespread ...

  7. Borlaug Dialogue- The World Food Prize

    1,200 people from more than 65 countries to address cutting-edge issues related to global food security ...

  8. A showcase for farming’s new science and tech

    lines. Expected total attendance is more than 110,000 people. That’s more than fit in Ohio Stadium. Read ...

  9. Upcoming Smart City Related Webinars

    today more people in the U.S. die from opioid overdoses than traffic accidents. Drug addiction ...

  10. Wheat Field Day

    researchers are describing during the classroom portion of the programing, Lindsey said. “People get more out ... of field days because they can gain the visual examples of what the data provides, so that people can ...
