
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Promising research on peanut allergies (for 4/5/09)

    sort of experiment on their own. People who are allergic can have severe, even fatal reactions to ...

  2. Use Glyphosate Properly to Protect Woody Plants

    but only now are people taking seriously." Mathers is teaming up with the agricultural company ... glyphosate have changed over the years. I don't think people realize that the glyphosate they use now is ...

  3. Ohio State to Implement Sheep Tail Docking Program

    people in the industry recognize that docking a tail too short could contribute to rectal prolapse, but ... position of educators from an animal welfare standpoint and a medical standpoint. If people choose not to ...

  4. Researchers Unravel Challenges of Drug-Resistant Bacteria

    stemmed from a 2009 conference she organized. "While most people only think about the kinds of ...

  5. Biotechnology Brings Summer Science Fun to Adventure Central

    how rapidly this field is growing, and how much they need young people to fill positions," she ...

  6. Ohio State to Hold First-ever Training Course on Anaerobic Digestion

    said the course is designed for people who already work in the anaerobic digestion industry; those who ...

  7. Agronomy Programming-January, 2014

    presented by Extension specialists and local industry people.   January 28 Conservation Tillage Breakfast ...

  8. Family Fundamentals: Website helps people plan for retirement (July 2010)

    start? Well, don't beat yourself up too much. Most people could do a better job in planning for ...

  9. 'Proud Past, Proud Future': OARDC Dedicates Historical Marker

    Historical Society's Zoar Village, and Phil Ross of the Bicentennial Commission. Among the 50 people ...

  10. New OSU Book Helps Farmers Make Switch to Organic

    agriculture to the people of Ohio. OARDC is the research arm of Ohio State’s College of Food, ...
