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  1. Ohio Commercial Berry Production School is March 14

    sometimes people are afraid to cut because once they cut, they can’t glue it back on.” All fruit crops are ...

  2. Chow Line: Focus on what causes most foodborne illness

    to a single large outbreak from cantaloupes in 2011. For any type of foodborne disease, people who ...

  3. OSU Extension Hosts Shale Workshop for Landowners Feb. 23

    make decisions for people." OSU Extension is the outreach arm of Ohio State University's ...

  4. Chow Line: Careful: Some People Foods Just Aren’t Good For Dogs

    to feed their dog some foods that are meant for human consumption. That’s because some foods people ...

  5. Ohio AgrAbility to Host Statewide Aging Farmers Workshops

    a national U.S. Department of Agriculture program that promotes independence for people in agriculture who ...

  6. Panel to Discuss Manure Storage Options, Benefits to Farms and Water

    give insight to the people in the audience.” Slated for the panel are dairy farmers Mike Rupp of Rupp ...

  7. Dayton's WHIO-TV to Air 4-H Special July 17

    people learn about precision and doing things the right way-- skills that help prepare them for the ...

  8. Conference Offers Small Farmers Options to Diversify, Grow Operations

    strategies and ideas of how to do that,” Nye said. “People are always looking for new or better ideas of how ...

  9. Chow Line: Don’t Count on Luck to Make Corned Beef Safely for St. Patrick’s Day

    temperature of 160 degrees. Although some people will test corned beef for its doneness with a fork to measure ...

  10. OSU Extension Agronomics Team to Offer Certified Crop Adviser Exam Prep Jan. 16-17, 2013

    Tracy Turner   SIDNEY, Ohio – People planning to take the Certified Crop Adviser exam can gain ...
