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  1. Parenting Classes for 'Captive' Audience Have Multiple Benefits

    consumer sciences educator for Ohio State University Extension. "A lot of people are brought up in ...

  2. Hot, dry season putting damper on corn yield potential

    forecast, to be brutally honest, is not promising," he said. "Some people will talk about maturity ...

  3. Food Safety is Focus of $2.3 Million in Grants

    where you take into consideration not just animals, not just people, not just the environment, but ...

  4. Ohio State Experts in Lineup for Ohio Organic Farming Conference: 'Sowing the Seeds of Food Sovereignty'

    people are expected. The past two years have sold out. Get full details-- the schedule, all the speakers ...

  5. OSU Extension Offers Resources and Information to Manage Drought as Conditions Intensify Statewide

    and drought assistance   And people who want to access social media to learn and talk about drought ...

  6. Three Years Later, 'Green' 4-H Center Going Strong

    benefits that simply cannot be quantified. "It's a good feeling to be able to show people that ...

  7. Previous Presentations

    Shenzhen Municipal People's Government and Information Research Center of International Talents, and ... at this one day event that drew approximately 950 people. Paul Rodewald presented Atlas of Breeding ...

  8. To Escape a Wet Harvest Plant Early Season Soybeans

    People don't like short crops. To them bigger is better," said Beuerlein, who also holds ...

  9. Soybean Rust Infections Remain Low

    impact, said Dorrance. "If people can remember, this situation is somewhat like (Hurricane) Ivan. It ...

  10. OSU Plant Pathologist Awarded for Excellence in Extension Outreach and Education

    include Mike Ellis and Pat Lipps. "It's a humbling experience because some great people from ...
