
Search results

  1. Pricing Drought Stressed Corn for Corn Silage

    yields. For many people, both the price of corn silage as fed to the cow ($60 to 75/ton) and the price of ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-08

    University Extension Corn Specialist, recommends  this new publication as fine reference for people in ... agronomy graduate student; and Stephanie Marlay, ISU agronomy specialist. In the development  of the new ... growth and development in a way that is concise and easily applicable for people in production ...

  3. You Can Help Secrest Arboretum Touch More People

    Do your memories of Secrest Arboretum include rambling through it as a student or taking the grandkids to play on the slide? Maybe you were on campus after the tornado went through in 2010 changing the landscape forever. Or you have you not been yet, and ...

  4. Rations for Good Rumen Health

    variation among various forages, most people balance rations for fiber concentration in the diet. Many use ...

  5. Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms

    in central Ohio. Most people think that corn grain at $3.95/bu is highly priced. Certainly, this is ...

  6. The Costs of Nutrients, Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices, and the Current Dairy Situation

    were operating slightly above break-even levels.  Of course some people are more efficient in feeding ...

  7. The Costs of Nutrients, Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices and the Current Dairy Situation

    other clueless people think prices will be in the future.  Unfortunately, the current situation provides ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Appendix A few people have asked that I publish the results using the 5-nutrient group (i.e., replace ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-09 ... ...

  10. Grain Bin Rescue – Silos and Bins Loom as Death Traps on American Farms

    where the people involved explained exactly how they felt that day.  I can’t imagine anyone in ...
