
Search results

  1. Vitamin C

    LD, Healthy People Program Specialist, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension ... doses can cause headaches, diarrhea, frequent urination and nausea. People with a history of kidney ...

  2. Providing Livestock Comfort at the County Fair

    both livestock and people is compromised. Heat stress can predispose livestock to illness and even ... possible. When the temperature and humidity cannot be lowered, more air movement over people and animals ... easily be converted to tunnel ventilation as they are designed for both animals and people to be ...

  3. Managing Stress for a Healthy Heart

    ready for action. People who are stressed all the time secrete a hormone called cortisol that raises ...

  4. Northern House Mosquito

    abundance and virus prevalence every summer when people, birds, and horses face the greatest risk of ... represents cases where the disease was serious enough for the person to go into the hospital. People over the ... October. Most people who are infected with WNV experience mild, cold-like symptoms, including a fever and ...

  5. Shared Harvest

    phone number, and number of people living in your household by age and show proof of residency by ... drive to the distribution site during the appropriate hours, please do not line up early.  We ask people ...

  6. Overexertion Causing Secondary Injury

    doing the work. People with a preexisting condition, limited mobility, or aging limitations are more ...

  7. Sole Proprietorship

    operate the business. It is easy to create and function within a sole proprietorship. Most people choose ...

  8. Targeting a Healthier Diet

    added to many snack foods. It is suggested that people over 2 years of age should get 30 percent or less ... iodine, zinc, copper, manganese, fluoride, chromium, selenium and molybdenum. Most healthy people get ...

  9. Strategies for Successful Health

    choices. It gives a visual cure, using a place setting for a meal. This encourages people to think about ... shape. Research indicates that people with "apple shape" figures are at greater risk than those ...

  10. Secondary Injury Prevention: Understanding Concussions

    the brain. Concussions are usually caused by a bump or blow to the head. Most people associate ...
