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  1. Yersinia Enterocolitica: A Rare but Important Food Safety Concern for Young Children and Immune-compromised Individuals

    transferred to people through food. Animals (pigs, birds, beavers, cats, and dogs) carry Y. enterocolitica and ... people attribute their illness to a virus or flu. The local Health Department and Centers for Disease ...

  2. Tools for 4-H Public Speaking

    4-H Camping and Older Youth, Ohio State University Extension People speak in front of a group on ... around other people. Is one of the best ways to get a (better) job. Is one of the most effective ways to ... a leader, you must know how to communicate. People follow leaders who inspire them and leaders who ...

  3. Cultivating the Practice of Family Philanthropy

    their family bonds as they unite around a purposeful mission. People learn to give because they have ... 110). Start Early Most people who love to give learned the joys of giving at an early age. Parents play ...

  4. Evaluating Coalition Progress and Impacts

    done by the coalition, how many people have been reached, and whether the coalition itself is ... the people who are involved and the number of people reached. Data from an event log may help ...

  5. Native Shrubs: Creating Living Landscapes for Birds, Butterflies, Bees, and Other Beneficials

    to birds and mammals and is edible to people either raw or cooked. Attractive purple to red fall ...

  6. Resolving Conflict Constructively and Respectfully

    behaviors or problems, not people. Define the conflict as a problem for both of you to solve together, not ...

  7. Secondary Injury Prevention: Using Braces to Reduce Joint Injuries

    beneficial for people who are suffering from lower back pain or injury, particularly those who have chronic ... joint. For people who are prone to ankle injuries, braces are used to immobilize injured ankles or ...

  8. Stress Coping Methods

    increasingly fast-paced world, people of all ages experience stress. Stress is the response to a perceived ... digestive issues, sleeplessness or irritability. Also, people under stress may be more prone to viral ... been shown to reduce perceived level of stress among people. Even short five-minute hand or foot ...

  9. Self-Care for the Caregiver

    resources, or energy to handle. Signs of Caregiver Burnout Caregivers are as important as the people they ... help. Suggest specific things people can do to help you, such as picking up groceries or driving your ...

  10. Biosecurity for Youth Livestock Exhibitors

    group of animals will be isolated away from other groups; how traffic (movement of people, animals and ... visitors from petting or feeding your animals. People going from animal-to-animal can spread disease agents ... that can cause problems in people. Some examples are ringworm, certain E. coli, salmonella, ...
