
Search results

  1. The roots of slowing climate change are in trees

    energy sources on the electric grid, having more people drive electric cars and hybrids, and increasing ...

  2. Fridge Study Reveals American Buying, Storing, and Consuming Trends During COVID-19

    often. A group of researchers with the Ohio State Food Waste Collaborative  recently surveyed 500 people ... expected to eat versus what they actually consumed. They found that in general, people overestimated how ...

  3. Good Agricultural Practices Online

    Produce Safety Course, visit the National Gaps Program eCornell registration    A minimum of 10 people ... must be registered for us to offer the course and class size is limited to 25 people. The course price ...

  4. Tri-State Emerald Ash Borer Workshop is April 9 in Indiana

    (OARDC); and Sharon Lucik, APHIS. Their topics: EAB and what it does, where it is, how it affects people ... who have ash trees on their property, and what those people can do about it. The afternoon program, ... Stephanie Miller, urban forester, Ohio Department of Natural Resources. — “Sources of ...

  5. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Big Stink? Smell a Winner! (for the Week of Feb. 3, 2008)

    I've not smelled myself but which some people rank as the worst in the world. For now let's take ... included the enlightening "Stench Warfare" by Stephanie Pain in New Scientist magazine, July 7, ...

  6. CD Wire- October 19, 2020

    training. Have a great week and remember:   "Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to produce ... learned throughout this past year; seek out your own good things, while you love, love, love on the people ... Perspective for Plastics Laws and Regulations Stephanie Otts, Director, National Sea Grant Law Center Plastic ...

  7. CD Wire- March 1, 2021

    for farms, residences, and businesses. The cost is free. Register here. Who should attend: People who ... a Meat Processing Business Tool Kit for people who are exploring the meat processing business. Designed ... as a decision-making aid for people exploring investing in or expanding a meat processing facility, ...

  8. Much Fridge Food 'Goes There to Die'

    in part by ambiguous date labels on packages, a new study has found.  "People eat a lot less of ... 'best by' labels mean and people think they are a safety indicator when they are generally ... translate to "Toss it." Other findings from the new study:  People who cleaned out their ...

  9. CD Wire- February 1, 2021

    Jill's Work: My favorite programs are ones where I get to bring people to Lake Erie through beach ... cleanups or paddling programs. I enjoy these experiential learning programs because it really helps people ... 2 to 3-minute videos focusing on helping people live more sustainably within their homes and ...

  10. CD Wire- June 14, 2021

    the world, and other days not so much. Luckily, people tend to adapt well to stressful situations and ... Indicators of Account Compromise- BuckeyePass (supported by Duo): There have been some cases where people ...
