
Search results

  1. Post-Fair Life in 4-H

    these people it just amazes me how devoted they are for 4-H and our youth members. This group of people ...

  2. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Rachael Cline

    tasks and I learned how the actions I performed affected other people. I had a direct correlation with ... a professional sports team, but I also had an impact on the people that worked alongside me in my department. ... a whole. I have met many people who are passionate about their work and excited to teach others about it as ...

  3. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Sami Funderburgh, CCA

    undergraduate and graduate career. The people in the department offer a wealth of information and knowledge. Any ...

  4. School Garden Conference: Cultivating Common Ground

    diversity of plants and people that can be found in the garden. Sessions will focus on community-building, ...

  5. The Night Devoted to Recognizing our "Stars" of 4-H

    tireless day yet are still giving time to help the 4-H program. I love watching all these different people ...

  6. Talking Tomatoes and Panzanella in the Veggie Trials Garden with the OSUMC James Mobile Kitchen Team

    Tim McDermott, recently paired with Chef Katie and Chef Stephanie to provide the Ross Heart Hospital ...

  7. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Nathan Miller

    to have conversations with agriculture  professionals and sales people alike. I am a much more ... of going to classes and conferences with people who ended up working in many facets of the ... I'm encouraged to see young people enter the agriculture field full of ideas and excited to see where ...

  8. COVID-19 brain fog: Here's how to clear your mind

    processes in the brain that we use to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. People ...

  9. Who in the world is the CFAES Alumni Society Board?

    you like to do when you are not at work? A: I like to hang out with my little people. I like to ...

  10. Todd Steiner Honored for his Distinguished Service

    be involved with ASEV-ES?   The people which make up the Eastern Section are truly wonderful ... University. What’s your favorite part of working at OSU?   Being involved and meeting so many wonderful people ...
