
Search results

  1. Should I Continue Farming?

    they can offer advice and suggest relevant resources and people who can help. The following pages are ... a decision to exit farming is not easy and is filled with a great deal of emotions. There are people and ... professionals, get answers to your questions, and make the best possible decisions. There are many people who can ...

  2. Stress Coping Methods

    increasingly fast-paced world, people of all ages experience stress. Stress is the response to a perceived ... digestive issues, sleeplessness or irritability. Also, people under stress may be more prone to viral ... been shown to reduce perceived level of stress among people. Even short five-minute hand or foot ...

  3. Honey Bees in House Walls

    a nuisance or hazard to humans. Some people have severe allergic reactions to the sting of a honey bee. Honey ... not be appropriate if the bees are located in an area where people are very active. To trap, place ...

  4. The Living Will

    on the individual’s behalf. In such states, some people do not qualify as witnesses: the agent or ...

  5. Evaluating Coalition Progress and Impacts

    done by the coalition, how many people have been reached, and whether the coalition itself is ... the people who are involved and the number of people reached. Data from an event log may help ...

  6. Nurturing in Stepfamilies

    though there are new people in the family. Also, parents and children may need to plan ahead to spend ... people's children isn't always easy and it is unrealistic to expect the new stepparent to love the ...

  7. Liquid Manure

    self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), have at least two people standing by, and put on a safety harness and ... will keep livestock and people away from the structure. Signs should be posted indicating ...

  8. Grain Bin Hazards

    false quiz. Background Recognizing the hazard Respiratory Hazard: Dust from grain can affect people in ... more workers. Review the Following Points Grain dust affects people’s health differently. Wear ...

  9. Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

    both high-cut turf and golf-course samples, be sure the sample includes roots. Many people might not ...

  10. After You Say “I Do”: Adjusting to Marriage

    enrich the love between two people, and it evolves through the foundations of friendship, a meaningful ... the most important aspect of two people staying together is the balance of positive to negative ... underlie many of the interactions that two people share. The Warning Signs In his research, Gottman has ...
