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  1. Using Hay Harvesting Equipment Safely

    bale-throwing frames. Since those mechanisms can throw heavy bales of hay, they can seriously injure people ... wagon is a good place for people to ride.   T F 4. To hitch or unhitch a wagon behind an ejector, the ...

  2. Evaluating Body Composition of Horses

    Gammons, Stephanie E. Reedy, Kristine L. Urschel, Patricia A. Harris, and Amanda A. Adams. 2021. ...

  3. Building Self-Esteem in Youth

    others, he/she must have a series of positive encounters with the people who share his/her world. Self ... in the development of healthy self-esteem in people. By identifying a problem or goal, by developing ... of self-worth. Mahatma Gandhi once said that people often become what they believe themselves to be. ...

  4. Injury Prevention: Types of Cold Stress

    and people with a pre-existing condition are at a higher risk. Examples of high-risk conditions are ... takes even the healthiest person longer to complete simple tasks in the winter. However, people with ...

  5. Rural Neighbors—Living and Working Together

    a barn or livestock facility unless asked. Without being aware of it, people can spread diseases to ... discuss the issue. Taking legal action can be expensive and often means that the people involved have ... neighbors, being accessible and talking to people when they have concerns takes time. The effort is rewarded ...

  6. Protecting Against Noise

    a problem if you hear ringing or other noises in your ears, have a hard time hearing people when they talk ... a sign of gradual hearing loss. Noise is defined as sounds people prefer not to hear. Noise is especially ...

  7. Evaluating Coalition Progress and Impacts

    done by the coalition, how many people have been reached, and whether the coalition itself is ... the people who are involved and the number of people reached. Data from an event log may help ...

  8. Secondary Injury Prevention: Safety for Senior Farmers

    considerations include: Reaction Time People's reaction times tend to become slower with age. Therefore, ... Gradual loss of hearing can be expected as people age. Some older farmers may have more profound hearing ...

  9. Nurturant Grandfathering: Lineage Work

    Lineage work refers to a grandfather’s efforts to provide an historical road map of people, places, and ...

  10. Extending Universal Design Principles onto the Farmstead

    demographic of people living with a wide array of disabilities, age-related limitations, and chronic health ... conditions. Universal Design is the creation of products and environments meant to be usable by all people, to ... approach. Principle 1: Equitable Use The design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities. ...
