
Search results

  1. Using Pasture Measurement to Improve Your Management

    to pounds of dry matter per acre. Taking samples in this manner does take time. Most people use it to ...

  2. Earwigs

    belong to the Order Dermaptera. Earwigs often upset people when discovered indoors. Their forceplike tail ...

  3. Eating Disorders Awareness: Introduction

    People with eating disorders generally have a skewed view of their body, and they attempt to control ...

  4. Providing Livestock Comfort at the County Fair

    both livestock and people is compromised. Heat stress can predispose livestock to illness and even ... possible. When the temperature and humidity cannot be lowered, more air movement over people and animals ... easily be converted to tunnel ventilation as they are designed for both animals and people to be ...

  5. Vibrio Species: Foodborne Illness and Seafood

    people attribute their illness to a virus or flu. The local Health Department and Centers for Disease ...

  6. Farming with Parkinson’s Disease

    difficulty maintaining balance delayed speech People with Parkinson's disease usually retain a normal ...

  7. Northern House Mosquito

    abundance and virus prevalence every summer when people, birds, and horses face the greatest risk of ... represents cases where the disease was serious enough for the person to go into the hospital. People over the ... October. Most people who are infected with WNV experience mild, cold-like symptoms, including a fever and ...

  8. Biosecurity for Youth Livestock Exhibitors

    group of animals will be isolated away from other groups; how traffic (movement of people, animals and ... visitors from petting or feeding your animals. People going from animal-to-animal can spread disease agents ... that can cause problems in people. Some examples are ringworm, certain E. coli, salmonella, ...

  9. Cicada Killer Wasp

    swimming pools and golf course greens, tees, and bunkers. Sometimes they may fly erratically near people ... , causing panic. Males may actually defend their territory by dive-bombing people's heads and ...

  10. Secondary Injury Prevention: Ergonomics for the Farm

    to fit the worker, while maintaining the efficiency of people in the workplace. The use of ergonomics ...
