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Raising Kids, Eating Right, Spending Smart, Living Well
information, education and options that help address challenging issues in life. When people ask me what I do ...
ACEL Students Awarded Scholarships at Annual Banquet
Aaron Giorgi, Stephanie Jolliff and Melissa Bell Undergraduate students in ACEL study agricultural ...
Handling Ingredients for Food Safety
But If you are preparing foods for people who are at a higher risk for illness — pregnant women, young ... children, older adults and people with weakened immune systems — it is critical to follow the basics of ... not be on the label. However, these oysters should still not be eaten raw by people at greatest ...
Elder Fraud and Financial Exploitation
resources, and caregiving. When more people are aware of your wishes, more accountability is possible. Be ...
Tri-State Emerald Ash Borer Workshop is April 9 in Indiana
(OARDC); and Sharon Lucik, APHIS. Their topics: EAB and what it does, where it is, how it affects people ... who have ash trees on their property, and what those people can do about it. The afternoon program, ... Stephanie Miller, urban forester, Ohio Department of Natural Resources. ââ¬â ââ¬ÅSources of ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Big Stink? Smell a Winner! (for the Week of Feb. 3, 2008)
I've not smelled myself but which some people rank as the worst in the world. For now let's take ... included the enlightening "Stench Warfare" by Stephanie Pain in New Scientist magazine, July 7, ...
Farm Transitions are Easier with Planning
insurance policy, etc. make sure people know where those can be found when needed. These documents are not ...
OSU Leadership Center: 30 Years of Accessibility, Affordability, and Applicability
participants. Instructor Tom Stewart said, “I think these workshops are important because it helps people ...
What's the Deal with Composting? Here's the Breakdown
of people began to transition from “hunters and gatherers” to agriculturally based societies. During ... settlers. In the modern world, some scientists found themselves working with composting and people such as ...
Private Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator License Renewals
served basis. Each training is limited to the first 47 people. You need to arrive 15 minutes before the ...