
Search results

  1. Director's Note, March 30

    Environmental Professionals Network will host – Art, agriculture, and advancing the relationship of Black people ... and people of color (BIPOC) in mind. Additional details on the evening celebration, including how to ...

  2. Two Ohio State students honored as 2023 Udall Awardee and Honorable Mention

    attend law school and work to help people who have limited access to legal advice, specifically members ...

  3. Health in Action Workshop Series

    provides you with the tools to live a healthy life with a chronic condition. People with chronic conditions ...

  4. Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size: Moving Away from Harmful Diet Culture Toward Self-Compassion

    principles of Intuitive Eating. She will also share a favorite short meditation that can help people find ... works with people of all ages to develop a healthier relationship with food and their body. Gina’s ...

  5. Indigenous Peoples' Day/Columbus Day observed- no classes, offices closed


  6. Stephanie Li

    Stephanie Li Research Assistant Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report ...

  7. The Language of Inclusion: Pronouns and Other Gendered Words

    people of all genders. This 90-minute workshop will address why pronouns matter, the history of singular ...

  8. SENR Announcements, March 25

    This year’s event, Art, agriculture, and advancing the relationship of Black people on land  at the ... empowerment with Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) in mind. Join us for this free public event ... relationship of Black people on land | Learn more and register April 20- Save the Date- SENR Seminar Series ...

  9. ACEL students attend AFA conference

    country, and we all shares a love and passion for people and agriculture.” ###                 ...

  10. SENR Announcements, April 24

    OH. "Art, agriculture, and advancing the relationship of Black people on land"  featured ...
